Finding the light in dark times
These last few months have felt very strange. Our normal lives have been altered greatly. Some have been left jobless, Others are facing the frontline of this virus and some are directly affected by testing positive for Corona virus. Each one of us feeling the effects of this virus, During these times we can easily fall into a rut or sadness as we look at an unknown future. During dark times it can be hard to find the light or the positive but I hope you find some comfort in this blog post.
Step 1 – Take a deep breath – Maybe the deepest breath you have taken so far today.
When our emotions arise the first thing we can do to calm and reset is coming back to breath and the awareness of how we are breathing. Often times in stressful situations I hold my breath, Unknowably restricting myself from my bodies need for oxygen.
Step 2. What is one things that you still get to do everyday regardless of the current restrictions we are under?
For me thats mediation and my yoga practice. It is something that I know will not change unless I directly make the choice to not follow with practice. It’s something I know I can rely on to feel a sense of normalcy. I may not be able to go to my favorite studio and even when open they may be reserved for space but I do know I have a mat in my living room, Some candles, and a tv for which I can access a range of free yoga via youtube.
Step 3. What is the one thing you have been saying “ I would but I don’t have time…”
Well if you do have new found free time then why not test out a new hobby . One of my new favorite hobbies is brewing Kombucha, another is home cooking meals. These are two things I would say I didn’t have time for before but now I do and since adding these hobbies in I have become pretty efficient in them so when I do get busy again I will still be able to do them.
If time is not in your favor and you are the virus has made your work life extremely busy then make one night a week your “me time” meaning finding the things that relax and pamper body and soul. An example would be a delicious take out meal or home cooked meal, followed by a hot bath, favorite tv show or movie and an at home yoga practice followed by a solid nights sleep.
Step 4. Flip the negatives for positives.
Easier said then done but we are in control of our thoughts. Our thoughts control our emotions, Emotions directly affect our mental and physical health. So the thoughts you focus on can either uplift or cause unhappiness. When unpleasant thought arises I try to switch it to a positive. An example of this was “ I can no longer teach yoga classes because the studio I teach at has been closed, I will loose my teaching experience and no one will rehire me when things reopen. “ This thought is not only negative but it shows a deep lack of confidence. A way to flip this thought and a-firm a positive mindset would be “ I may not be able to teach my normal yoga classes, But I am able to utilize this time to freshin up my anatomy and learn so new vocabulary to enhance my teaching. By doing this I will be an even better teacher for my students when classes return”.
Think of your last negative thought then write it down, Think of solutions that may aid in your problem and how you can be proactive with what resources you have and you will be surprised how easy it is to find the positive when your willing to look for it.