Often times in life we find ourselves out of balance. You may feel tired, unmotivated and left with a lack of direction.

How do you bring yourself back into Balance?

1. Journal –
When we journal we are able to release emotions, process things we didn’t know we were keeping bottled up and we can take the seat of the observer. Have you ever had one of your friends tell you about something that they are going through and you can see the answer right away but they can’t? This is because you are observing the issue at hand without emotions. Once we begin to put things in paper we can take that step back and we can see our problems aren’t as big as we make them and the solutions are endless.

2. Meditation –
There are so many different forms of mediation, So if sitting isn’t your thing thats ok! Meditation could be a simple walk where you try to keep the mind calm and bring yourself back to the present moment through using your senses. It could be drawing, playing music, yoga, listening to a podcast or even working out. As long as your are out of your head and in this moment you are meditating. One of my favorite apps or mediation is Insight timer. Insight time offers guided meditations, Kirtan, lessons, and music. The app also has a timer and a tracker so you can keep progress!

3. Ritual –
Having a daily ritual of things that make you feel ready and prepared to concur your day will help keep you motivated and allow you the much needed “me” time you deserve. Rituals help pull you out of bed and allow you to keep on up with your goals.

4. Goals –
Make a list of some of the things you want to accomplish, I love using the statement “I am” as you already stepping into your future self. Example – I am fit and healthy. Next is to come up with a plan to execute this statement so we can make this goal a reality. Start with the steps, To be fit and healthy you need to have a workout plan or routine. So a goal is to start a workout plan that you follow everyday, This can also be part of your morning routine. Another goal to help fit this intention would be to create a healthy diet that will fuel your workouts, So in the morning you make a protein shake after your workout.

5. Hobbies –
Life can’t be all work no play, As adults it’s easy to fall into a work addiction. Once we feed to much into the outer world we forget about the inner world we live in. Find something that makes you happy, something that brings out your inner child. Something that makes those creative juices spark and make some time for this activity. This could be daily or once a week.

These are the five things that have helped bring me back to balance, Throughout life we will have moments of imbalance and it’s during this time we learn to make the needed time for ourselves. These ruts do not last forever and you are capable of working through this.

Much Love,