We close the chapter of 2019 and enter 2020, I enter this year hopeful and excited to see what the universe will bring. Last year I wrote out some intentions and released them to the world. The crazy thing is that a large portion of them came to fruition. Once again this year I would like to create some intentions and help inspire some of yours.

  1. I will keep Traveling as much as possible, Spreading my love and passion for yoga.
  2. I live through compassion, turning inward and putting myself in other shoes so I push aside my ego.
  3. I commit to cherishing my body by cleansing with a 36 hour fast, Followed by fueling my body with fresh, clean, healthy nutrients.
  4. I am practicing Ahimsa within non – violence. Not only to others but within myself, No longer will I talk down about my appearance or my body.
  5. I am speaking my truth, while setting healthy boundaries.
  6. I look at fear no longer as bad but as a driving force to grow into exactly what my soul is craving.
  7. Everyday is a practice of love, Even on the bad days. I cherish all my days.
  8. The continual practice of self study and the philosophy of yoga.
  9. I let go of looking backwards, and look at this moment for its my focus.
  10. I trust in the universe and trust in my intuition.
  11. I am the universe.
  12. I treat my relationships like fine china, Knowing they are breakable and shall be cherished, While knowing china is not replaceable but breakable.
  13. I commit to journaling daily.
  14. I forgive and let go of the anger I hold inside, While not pressing negativity onto others.
  15. I follow my heart and am here for the journey wherever it may take me.

These are some of my intentions for 2020, What are some of yours?

Comment below – (: