The universe is full of energy and we are no exception, Energy (Prana) flows through each one of us. This energy is generated through seven points and these points are called Chakras. The word Charka is Sanskrit for “Wheel.” These wheels inside of us provide balance between the body, mind and spirit.

When one of our Chakras comes out of balance it can create health issues on physical or mental level. That is why it is important to listen to your body and balance your chakras.

Within this post we will be discussing each Chakra and how to tell if you are out of balance. Don’t fret if you have a Chakra out of balance there are solutions that will also be discussed.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Red

Root Chakra

The root Chakra represents our foundations. It is what roots us down to earth it leaves us feeling grounded and confident. Located in the base of the spine (Tailbone area). This chakra is associated with our basic needs. To bring this Chakra back into balance, find a space that feels like home; somewhere you feel safe and happy. While in this space mediate, practice yoga and relax. You can also find a space in nature and root down into presence.

2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) – Orange 

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the main center for our emotions. This Chakra Controls how we feel about others and ourselves. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Located in the lower abdomen about 2 inches below the navel. To balance this Chakra face your emotions, Do not fear what needs to be processed and do not hide from your sexual energy. Journaling can be a great tool to process emotions. You may also practice writing the first five emotions that come to your mind. Once you have established this write why you are feeling each emotion. Fold the list of emotions and hold the paper over Sacral chakra, repeat each emotion you have listed in your head, Begin to feel each emotion to the fullest in your core, This may be hard but it is a way to process what we are holding in. Next burn the letter as you burn the letter repeat “ This is part of the beautiful experience I have been gifted, For without these emotions I would not be experiencing what the universe is asking me to face and grow from. “

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – Yellow 

Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus is associated with self – worth, self confidence and self esteem. Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. Have you ever gotten the butterflies? This is The Manipura at work. A great way to balance this chakra is looking in the mirror making eye contact with yourself and say a quality about yourself that you love. Practicing self-love and self-care rituals can also uplift your confidence.

4.Heart Chakra (Anahata) – Green

Heart Chakra

As its name states this Chakra is associated with the heart. It processes how we give and receive love. Associated with joy and inner peace. Located at the center of the chest, just above the heart. To bring this Chakra into balance find someone you love and let them know how you feel. Maybe write a letter or just give them a hug. Love is free, it is what brings people together and its within each one of us. Lets spread it to the world.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) – Blue

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra gives voice to the heart chakra and controls how we speak our truth to others and ourselves. Located in the throat. When this Chakra is blocked it may be hard to speak to others or you may feel unheard. To bring this Chakra into balance speak your truth, process what you are holding in. One of my favorite exercises is writing all of my feelings and emotions, meditating with said letter envisioning that person in front of me speaking my truth to them. Once I have completed this I burn the letter and release the ashes.

6.  Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – Indigo 

Third Eye Charka

The Third eye chakra is called Ajna which translates to “Beyond Wisdom”. This Chakra opens your mind to the universe and beyond. Located in between the brows.Within the brain there is a small pinecone – shaped gland called the pineal gland. It takes in light allowing you to feel awake during the day and sleepy at night time.  When this Chakra is in balanced your intuition will shine brightly and your perception will be clear you will feel in tune with both this physical plane and everything beyond. To bring this chakra to balance when it is under-active take some quiet time to mediate and connect with your inner self. If this chakra is over active meaning you spend to much time drawn into spiritual practice and have disconnected from the world then find a patch of earth and take off your shoes. Allowing your feet to feel the earths soil and bring presence back to your body.

7.  Crown Chakra – (Sahaswara) – White

Crown Chakra

Sahaswara translates to “Thousand petaled” this Chakra is pure conscious energy. This Chakra holds our own personal consciousness which is a part of the define universe. Everything in this Universe is connected as it all produces energy. This Chakra connects us to divinity and is the seed of a universal energy awaiting its bloom. Located at the top of your head, This chakra flows down from the universe creating a light connection all the way down the chakras. Balancing this chakra can be difficult as it takes time and patience. It is the goal of most seeking deeper depth into spirituality and what lies beyond ourselves. To Balance this chakra it is in best practice to balance all other chakras.